My paintings explore individuality within universal consciousness; as everything in existence is energy in potentiality.
There are similar patterns that occur in molecular structure, in nature and in the universe that reflect the relationship of the microcosm to the macrocosm. The work is centered in a meditative process, focus the being, psychological mapping of emotions in response to the environment. Harnessing and directing energy, feminine gatherer, I use color intuitively, pouring outdoor in daylight followed by layered brush work, meticulously building depth with intent and time. Form and color capture movement through time and space. Order in chaos manifests as the metaphysical becomes physical.
I formulate my paints from pigments, metals, semi-precious stones and phosphorescent materials for their density, transparency, translucent nature and energetic properties. Equating light to knowledge, as it has the power to create and alter perception. The paintings transform in response to the varied light as they offer glimpses of multidimensional experiences.
Capturing the essence of personal reality and the ability of energy to absorb, refract and reflect light.
All paintings are made in my studio outdoors with the elements and in the center of NYC.
In my art I modernize tradition, as I deeply value mastery and symbolism and seek to make these relevant in the society that I live in. Abstraction and removal of literal images allows for the essence of purity to be, for all people to interpret regardless of their background. I seek the common thread in all humanity, to connect us and amplify the beauty within our cultural differences.
All of my work represents the process of “Know Thyself”.